cDNA synthesis using Superscript IV and general qPCR
cDNA synthesis
RNA abundance-analysis is enabled through the synthesis of complementary DNA from single stranded RNA prior to real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Successful cDNA synthesis is made using high quality input RNA. This protocol is slightly modified from the Superscript manual.
- Heating block or thermal-cycler capable of 65, 50-55 and 80°C
- RNase-free tubes, pipette tips
- Superscript IV kit (SSIV Buffer, SSIV Reverese transcriptase, 100 nM DTT)
- Oligo dT and/or Random Hexamer primers
- 10 mM dNTP mix
- Total-RNA or mRNA
- Combine the following components per reaction (consider creating a master mix from component a and b if you are running many samples, master mix 1):
Component | Volume per reaction |
50 μM Oligo dT or 50 μM Random hexamers or 25 μM Oligo dT and 25 μM Random Hexamers | 0.5 μl Oligo dT (art nr. AB-1247) + 0.5 μl Random Hexamers (SO142) |
10 mM dNTP mix (10 mM each) | 1 μl |
Template RNA (0.1-5000 ng total-RNA) | Up to 11 μl |
Nuclease-free water | Add to total volume 13 μl |
- Mix all components, vortex and briefly spin down.
- Heat the mix 5 min at 65°C followed by at least 1 min incubation on ice.
- Bring the 5x SSIV buffer to room-temp. Vortex and spin briefly.
- Combine the following into master-mix 2:
Component | Volume per reaction |
5x SSIV Buffer | 4 μl |
100 mM DTT | 1 μl |
RNase OUT | 1 μl |
Super Script reverse transcriptase | 1 μl |
- Vortex and briefly spin the components of master mix 2, add master-mix 2 to the reaction tube.
- Incubate the reaction tube at 23°C 10 min.
- Incubate the reaction mix at 50-55 °C 10 min followed by 10 min at 80°C
- Dilute the cDNA to desired concentration (e.g. 1:25)
Targeted amplification of cDNA using specific primers is a sensitive technique for the evaluation of gene-abundance.
- A real-time PCR machine (We use QuantStudio 5)
- A qPCR reaction plate
- Nuclease-free water and pipette tips
- SYBR-green Master mix
- Combine a master-mix:
Component | Volume per reaction |
Sybr-green 2X master-mix | 5 μl1 |
Primermix, Forward and Reverese 5 μM2 each | 1 μl |
H2O | 2 μl |
- Load the plate with primer-specific master-mix
- Add 2 μl cDNA sample.